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You can hunt turkeys in the spring and in the fall. You always need a permit if you are going to hunt turkeys. The spring and fall permits, however, are different. The spring permit allows you to hunt in a specific area during one of the 5-day turkey hunting periods. In the fall, your permit will enable you to hunt any day during the season, as long as it is within the zone listed on the permit. Once you have obtained your turkey hunting permit, there are a number of things you can do to have a successful outing.
Be prepared to practice patience. Turkey hunting takes a lot of patience. Spring turkey hunting involves less patience, as you make hen turkey sounds to try to get a gobbler to come to you. Turkeys do not mate in the fall, though, so you will have to patiently engage in stand hunting. Stand hunting involves finding a spot and then waiting for the turkey to come to you.
Since you will at some point be hunting turkeys in the spring, you must become familiar with the several devices used to make a turkey sound. There are two main types. One is called a friction call, which is produced by rubbing two surfaces together. The other is a mouth call. This occurs when air is either inhaled or exhaled. A third type of caller, a shaker, creates a “gobble” noise when you shake it in a rapid motion.
Regardless of which type of call you will be using, you must practice the call diligently. You will also learn a lot by listening to the turkeys themselves. They are the best examples to follow. Listen to live turkeys or a calling recording. You can also get help by contacting an experienced turkey hunter. Turkeys are capable of making more than two dozen different calls. Most hunters, however, can only notice about 10. Their sounds include the yelp, the cluck, the purr, the cackle, and the most familiar sound of them all, the gobble. Make yourself familiar with each of these turkey calls. 
The most important thing you will do to ensure a pleasurable turkey hunting experience is to practice safety. Turkey hunting, as with all forms of hunting, poses a threat to those who do not use caution and wisdom in the field. Use gobble calls only when you are locating a tom. Do not use it to attract one. This will cause another hunter to think that you are a turkey. You run the risk of being shot if this happens. Keep your hands and head camouflaged when you make turkey calls.
There are other things you can do to ensure your safety and the safety of others. Never stalk a turkey. Do not get closer than 100 yards to a gobbler. Choose a calling site that allows you to see at least 40 yards in all directions. Do not move an uncovered decoy. Wear an orange cap or gloves while walking, as your camouflaged clothing can be mistaken for a turkey by other hunters. Most shooting accidents happen because one hunter mistakes another hunter as game. Finally, remember the three basic rules of hunting:
1. Treat each and every gun as if it is loaded.
2. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction, away from others.
3. Be 100% sure of your target.
Following these rules and guidelines will allow you to have a successful turkey-hunting season, be it spring or fall. As with all forms of hunting, safety is always your highest priority. Keep this in mind, and you are ready for the upcoming season. Have as much fun as you can while practicing as much safety as you can.


Elk Hunting-In Arizona

The experience of Arizona elk hunting is same for a keen elk hunter as
the experience of F1 GrandPrix race for a racing crazy motorist.

This type of hunting is considered to be best big game hunting practice.
The hunters get chance for this type of hunting during fall season.
During this period the hunters go for Arizona elk hunting in the hope of
getting a trophy bull. The inspiration for hunting the most obscure
creature of animal world is really a challenging task for hunters.

The Rocky Mountain Elk is very ordinary type of elk, which is found on an
Arizona elk-hunting trip. This kind of elk is also referred as Wapiti.
The weight of male Rocky Mountain Elk is 700 pounds or even more than

The internal organs of rocky mountain elk are covered by a ribcage, which
includes a very hard cartilage, and it has a thick veil over its body.
You require possessing right ammunition for making a direct shot and the
shot should be effective and moral. In this way it is real challenge for
a skilled hunter.

Arizona elk hunting season starts in the fall months of mid-September
through October also. During this period elk go for their mating season.
Elk males get angry, start bugling loudly and start searching for females
for mating.

The most important facet of elk hunting the use of elk calls by hunters.
It is essential to have knowledge about these calls.

There are certain types of calls, which let the hunters, to imitate bull
or cow elks. You must be aware of the time and method of use of calls for
luring the elks. The less and excessive use of bugling may prevent the
elk from coming near.

They will run away from such an area where they foresee any danger. In
this way you will miss the chance.
You can hire the services of a guide for a successful move of hunting elk
in Arizona.

This step will be really beneficial for you if you are not aware of the
geographical condition of Arizona and you have very less experience about
this practice elk hunting.

You need the help of a guide even if have experience about Arizona elk
hunting. A good and expert guide can help you in hunting an obscure elk
and can also offer you helpful and valuable tips regarding this. The
outfitter can also help you in dragging the large creature once you shoot

You cannot even imagine doing all this all alone. In this you should
surely hire the services of an outfitter to hunt an elk in Arizona and
this will beneficial for you.



Now that the spring turkey-hunting season is nearly upon us, you should find the right shotgun. As turkey hunting has become increasingly popular, more and more manufacturers have developed shotguns that have more features. There are a few things you need to keep in mind as you search for the perfect shotgun.   
You need to buy a shotgun that fits you. The only sure way to find a shotgun that properly fits you is to make an appointment with a firearms expert. Pull the gun to your shoulder. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. See if the gun swings into place without extra effort. Pay attention to the weight of the gun – is it comfortable? Next, adjust the placement of your forward hand. Check to see if you are able to hold the shotgun steady for a set amount of time. Also, see if you are able to comfortably carry the shotgun for long distances. If you answer “yes” to each of these questions, you may have found the right shotgun.
Remember that when it comes to turkey hunting, a bigger shotgun is not always better. 20-gauge shotguns are growing in popularity, mainly due to their high-powered turkey loads and available chokes. You are better off buying a shotgun that perfectly fits you than you are choosing one that has the largest gauge or load size.
Give yourself an opportunity to see how your shotgun performs under different circumstances. Shoot it with different loads and shot sizes whenever possible. Most shotguns offer several choke options. A shotgun that shows success in increasing pattern performance is your ideal gun. As with all of your hunting equipment, you want to use only the highest quality gear that performs well when you need it most.   
You must take the time necessary to discover the limitations of your firearm. You can do several things to find out how well your gun will work at the moment when you need it to perform. Pattern, experiment with different loads and chokes, and practice real hunting situations on the range. These actions will help you learn when to shoot and when to hold back. Certain shots are risky, and you are better off holding your fire.
If you are using a 20-gauge shotgun, you must be within 25 yards of your target for your ideal shot. Very young hunters, or those hunters who lack experience, should follow the same distance. Knowing your limitations as a hunter is as important as knowing how well your shotgun will perform. This knowledge is the difference between success and disappointment.
Finding the right shotgun for your spring turkey hunting will take a fair amount of experimentation and practice. Your goal will be to determine the best choke constriction, load, shot size, and distance. You want a gun that is comfortable. You want a gun that fits your body size. Do not always go for the largest gun, as a bigger shotgun does not always equal a better shotgun. The best way to discover the shotgun that best fits you is to practice with different ones. There is a perfect shotgun out there with your name on it. Simply take the time to find it. Once you have discovered your ideal shotgun, you will be able to kick off a safe and rewarding turkey season.



Exploring the Dangers of Bear Hunting

For some reason, people seem interested in the notion of tracking down a bear through the wilderness and killing it. While it may seem strange, there is a small cult of people that follow bear hunting considerably and make it an active part of their lives. These people tend to find generalized hunting a little too “tame” for their tastes and instead lurk after the lumbering bears of the forest. Often seen as an attempt to prove their manhood, bear hunting is a dangerous and largely unnecessary sport that typically challenges all notions of natural balance and order. Instead, most bear hunting aspects lead to dangerous outcomes or to the possibility of extinction.

Bear hunting, while seemingly unnecessary to the average person, is actually a legal and monitored part of the hunting regulations in North America. Alaska is one of the largest places for hunting bears. Several times a year, Alaska can be found swarming with hunters trying to bag the big one and those just curious to watch the bear hunts. The danger and general excitement of the hunt is enough to draw on the very basic components of human nature and create a buzz around bear hunting. Unfortunately for the bears and for some innocent bystanders, bear hunting creates a chaotic and unfortunate scene.

It is argued by hunters that the bear population is quickly recharging and regenerating itself, leading to the moral validity of bear hunting. In other words, there are enough bears in the world and, furthermore, without bear hunting the population of bears in certain areas would be overwrought. While this notion may be partially true, it is also important to consider that bear hunters typically are not properly educated in the matter. Some bear hunters are not hunting for purposes of thinning out a particular species to maintain some sense of animal control in the area. This leads to many bear hunters callously shooting at anything that moves and taking down anything that looks like a bear, paying no mind to the species or importance of the bear.

For this reason, bear hunting is best left to the professionals. There are many within the wildlife community that are given the task of taking down the bear population by statistically represented and supported numerical values. These wildlife officials know what bears to look for and have identified the bears that are older and weaker, leaving the decision of hunting bears down to an actual representation of the bear community in a particular area and to actual natural law.

In that respect, bear hunting appears to be the domain of the testosterone-driven hunters. The hunters looking for the best possible kill are typically adrenaline junkies that are looking for danger and excitement. As many examples over time have proven, bear hunting can provide that danger and excitement in more than ample amounts. This leads to fatalities or injuries that are often results of people getting too close to bears or people getting too involved in the bear’s natural habitat. In short, people simply do not know when to leave well enough alone.

With all of this rhetoric around bear hunting, one would think that the very notion of how dangerous the sport is would be enough of a repellent. However, every season more hunters are flocking to alleged hunting sites and every season more needless waste is being done to the beautiful natural backdrop that bears and other animals call home. The amount of human-led damage to the forests and natural setting of Alaska because of bear hunting is staggering.

Regardless of any moral convictions, it is important to maintain a factual focus when discussing hunting of any kind. Whether we live in an age in which hunting is a necessity at all anymore is certainly up for dispute. Many argue for the sport aspect of it, but a more logical approach might suggest that the arguments for the sporting aspect of bear hunting are better left behind.


Elk Hunting-How To Succeed

If you have knowledge about bow hunting and you wish to check your
efficiency in hunting then you would like to do archery elk hunting.

The main reason behind this is that the elk is the biggest game animal
for hunting and it is also a very cunning creature. This is really a
challenging task that every hunter would enjoy to do. It is a biggest
accomplishment in itself to hunt an elk with the help of bows and arrows.

Bow hunting is a subtle and complex sport in itself. The use of bow is
more difficult if you are already into archery elks hunting.

An archery elk hunter should be able to make an exact estimation within
given time that will be required for taking out and leaving a bow and he
or she should be able to understand the game properly.

There are many things which one has to keep in mind to gain success in
process of archery elk hunting. The things which one is required to keep
in mind are:

1. You require a special kind of bow, which is structured to kill a large
animal life elk. This kind of bow is remarkable piece of device. The bow
hunter has to gain information about every facet and capacity of his
hunting equipments.

The length of arrows, which are used in hunting, should be proper. The
arrows should be sharp enough to cut the thick veil and cartilage to make
a clean kill. You need to do a lot of practice for killing an elk that
possess several pounds of weight.

2. You must acquire every type of information. You should devote some
time in gaining information about location of food and water resources
for elk in that area.

Observe their behavior and manner during certain time period of day and
also about the temperature. Just read the ideas in local wildlife

3. Do the practice of shooting in heavy coats.

4. If you have to hunt elk from a tree then you should spend time in
changing your establishments to gain proper viewpoint about location. All
this has to be done before the hunting process.

Archery elk hunting is a complex process. . Fortunately there are many
hunting tips of hunters who wish to do archery elk hunting. You can hire
services of outfitters for getting elk hunting tips.

The guidance of an outfitter can prove beneficial for you even if you are
an experienced hunter. Archery elk hunting can be really very
satisfactory sport for a hunter who wins a trophy through it.

You will gain awesome experience even if you don’t win trophy in elk
hunting sport.



Gun Safety for Hunters

There are many reasons that a hunter would get seriously injured, but the leading cause is improper gun handling. Unfortunately, too many hunters ignore vital safety precautions when hunting and do not take good care of their weapon. Hunting injuries or fatalities are becoming all too common in the world of hunting and many people do not seem too concerned about the fatal realities of these incidents. The logical hunter, however, takes careful note of all of the safety precautions involving his or her weapon and learns the basics of gun safety for hunters.

One of the first fundamental laws of hunting safety is to always treat the gun as if it is loaded. This is a universal guideline for gun safety as it does not refer to any actual type of gun. In terms of having a gun in general, one should never assume that it is unloaded. One should never be flippant with a gun or wave it around, point it at others or work carelessly with it. There is always the off chance that something could occur as a result of any gun powder residue or other possibilities, giving the odds of a dangerous incident more ground than necessary. Instead, simply treat the gun as if it is always loaded and err on the side of caution.

In relationship to the aforementioned law of gun safety, it is important to be responsible and keep the gun unloaded until it is ready for use on the hunting grounds. This avoids any injury or death due to the gun accidentally going off due to careless use or due to improper storage. Many a story has been told about gun injuries relating to guns going off in truck compartments and shooting through truck seating, relating to the notion that the gun was not only properly stored but that the improperly stored gun was loaded. For reasons such as these, always store the gun as unloaded.

When on the hunting field, it is important to remember hunting safety techniques. Always keep the fingers in indexed positions until ready to fire. This avoids any accidental firing which can obviously result in serious injury. Instead, the fingers should be somewhat folded and away from the trigger if possible. If the fingers are more apt to be near the gun’s trigger, keep them folded and away from any notches until the prey is well within scope range. One false move with a finger too close to the trigger could result in accidental firing resulting in injury or death.

Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. This, of course, means that the gun should never be pointed at another person. Many a story has been told of guns pointed at hunting companions in jest, only for the gun to accidentally go off and injure or kill the unfortunate companion. For this reason and for reasons involving common sense, keep the gun pointed somewhere safe and away from yourself and people at all times. This rule applies whether the gun is loaded or not.

Never look down the barrel of the gun to see if it is loaded. This is simply something that should not be done under any circumstances. As a reference to the aforementioned rules, one of the fundamental foundations of gun safety is expecting the unexpected. If one is looking down the gun barrel, there is no predictable way to ensure that the gun will not accidentally fire from powder residue or any other elements that could be lodged in the gun. Keep the face away from the gun barrel at all times.

Make sure that the gun is never dropped. This can result in accidental firing, which can send a bullet or powder in a very chaotic and unpredictable direction. Instead, always hold the gun with both hands and treat it as carefully as possible.

Never let a person who is intoxicated in any way handle a gun. Alcohol and drugs slow the reason factor on people, resulting in a lapse of reason and better judgment. An intoxicated person may improperly operate a firearm, leading to injury or possible death.

All in all, these fundamental rules should be followed if one wants to ensure a safe and happy hunting trip. Without paying attention to safety regulations, the risk factor of the average hunting trip more than doubles and injury is almost inevitable. Be safe when hunting or handling a gun of any kind.



Hunting has survived the modernization of civilization. In fact, it has flourished into one of the most popular pastimes and hobbies in the world. Unfortunately, one of the world’s favourite past times can also be one of its most dangerous. Every hunter should know some basic things before heading out into the fields.

The most important aspect of hunting concerns how to walk and carry a gun. It is important to make sure that the muzzle always points away from the hunter and any companions. There are many ways to do this. One option is the side carry, which is effectively carrying the gun with one hand and tucking the stock between the elbow and the body. It is not recommended to use the side carry when the hunter is walking through dense brush or with other companions walking in front, however.

Another option is the ready carry. With the ready carry, the gun is held with two hands and the muzzle is pointed upwards and towards the front of the hunter. The trigger finger should be rested on the proper guard.

The sling carry involves both hands of the hunter being free. A sling is used to carry the gun over the hunter’s shoulder, giving clear range for the hunter to move however he or she wants.

Others prefer the shoulder carry method of carrying a gun. Using this technique involves the muzzle of the gun resting skyward. It is probably not a good idea to use this technique of carrying a gun with companions behind.

Finally, the trail carry involves the gun held at a point between the action and the trigger. If someone is walking ahead of the hunter, it is not a good idea to use the trail carry because the muzzle is pointing down but forward.

Once the hunter has established a safe and comfortable way to carry his or her weapon, it is very important to plan next what to do when encountering the game. Before encountering the target, all hunters should establish a “zone of fire” where each will shoot and track when game appears. It is very important that one hunter never encroach on another’s zone.

When hunting from a boat, there are general safety precautions that should be considered. First, make sure the weapon to be used by the hunter who will be sitting in the bow of the boat is unloaded. His or her gun must be placed facing the bow. The next hunter places his or her unloaded gun in the stern with its muzzle pointing to the rear. Hunters should always remember to anchor the boat before shooting and to fire in opposite directions.

To keep their skills sharp, hunters often practise on ranges. These controlled shooting areas also have a set of commands geared for the safe enjoyment of all the participants. If a hunter says, “the range is hot”, for example, it means that the range is open for shooting and that there are no live objects, such as people, on the range. If a hunter says, “cease fire”, it means to stop all firing immediately. Another command on the firing range is “ready”. This is the last precaution taken by shooters before the “range is hot” command. Each shooter repeats the phrase “ready” from right to left to ensure the firing line is clear and safe.


Elk Hunting-An Art

Elk are really royal animals and it is really a major challenge for
skilled hunters to hunt them. You are fortunate enough if you get a
chance to see an elk a large sized animal during your career of hunting.
You will surely admire elk for its big size.

The elk is a shrewd animal like a fox and it is also a rare and vague
creature. There are many hunters who have never got a chance to see hulk
and many have made unsuccessful attempt to shoot elk.

The process of hunting elk is very slow and it requires a lot of
patience. It is not possible to hunt elk without patience. If as a hunter
you like to hunt many animals rapidly without much effort then you can’t
hunt elk.

You have to do a research on the manners of male and female elks for
hunting elks successfully. Autumn is the hunt season for elk and also the
mating season for elk and you can imitate many activities and manner to
attract the animal.

Some activities are required to be done during specific time of day.
Certain degree of temperature can put great effect on behavior of elk.
You can do one more important research for elk hunt and that is the
research about the food and water resources of elk.

There are many options for hunting elk like many other hunting
activities. Rifle hunting is very common activity. There are some other
hunters also who like muzzleloaders and bow hunting.

These processes of hunting have other problems related to them. These
methods require great proficiency and marksmanship. Hunters those come
under this category are people who like to do challenging tasks.

Each kind of hunting process consumes its own time and it has its own
limitations. You must be aware of the local hunting where you plan to
hunt. The gun suppliers also tailor their goods for these kinds of
hunting processes.

They provide hunters or muzzleloaders during their visit. In this way the
gun suppliers fulfill the basic requirements of hunters for elk hunting.

The economy of many states has enhanced as they have provided areas to
hunters for elk hunting. These states have seen the come back of hunters
and outsider fans by using good methods for conservation of elks every

All this has boosted local economies and even private hunting areas. Some
hunters visit for a chance to win trophy elk and on the other hand some
come for just enjoyment of hunting in good areas. Some rich hunters just
come for fulfilling their fancy of hunting elk. Hunters get the
experience of hunting for which they have cherished.



The Joy of Duck Hunting

Duck hunting is one of the most popular hunting sports in the world. It is as much a social calling as it is a hunt, in fact, representing a whole set of cultural standards and etiquette rules that many people do not even consider. It has a whole culture all its own, from a proper dress code to duck hunting dogs and assistants. The world of duck hunting is ripe with cultural significance, but is also has a dark side and represents a less than desirable aspect of human nature. Regardless of the point of view, there is something to be learned about duck hunting that may shed some light on either side of the ethical quandary.

Duck hunting is mainly a sporting activity around the world now, as commercial duck hunting has since been banned in most of the developed countries. Duck hunting is, in fact, as old as time itself. There are early indications that ducks and geese were somehow hunted during the Ice Age. Cave drawings indicate that duck hunting was a sound practice early on in human existence, giving way to ducks and swans appearing on cave paintings in Ice Age Europe. There is also evidence of duck hunting in Egypt, as a mural on the tomb of Khum-Hotpe displays a man capturing ducks in a stream. Ducks were also likely hunted by early man in the Americas, as early Peruvian art indicates.

With this international history, duck hunting enjoys a popularity that spreads around the world. It is especially popular in North America, where the largest number of localized ducks can be located. Most ducks use the Mississippi River as a migratory guide, so many duck hunts take place along the river to use it as a guide for finding ducks. Arkansas is a major hotbed of duck hunting, with Stuttgart being considered the “duck hunting capital of the world”.

Duck hunting is often considered popular because of its simplicity. The tools of the trade are simplistic enough, from a decoy set to a shotgun and duck call. The essence of duck hunting is based around the trickery of using the decoy and the duck call in tandem to lure the ducks out and into the air towards the decoy. After this takes place, the ducks are in open range for the hunt and the firing begins. These hunts take place around rivers, streams, lakes and any other bodies of water where ducks can be found.

There are many aspects that stand in contrast to duck hunting, of course. Most waterfowl conservation experts agree that the hunting of any type of waterfowl does little to help any situation. In fact, most marsh and wetland areas are shrinking at tremendous rates, giving rise the the criticism that duck hunting effectively diminishes an already diminishing habitat. There are several organizations that constantly spar with duck hunters over this reality.

One organization is the popular Ducks Unlimited. Ducks Unlimited is an international organization that stands as the leader in non-profit marshland protection and the protection of waterfowl. Ducks Unlimited sometimes works with hunters to protect the marshlands and protect the hunter’s way of life. The main goal of Ducks Unlimited is the conservation of localized habitats where ducks can be found, enabling hunters to continue protected and logical hunts of ducks and enabling the survival of more ducks by creating better places for them to live.

Still, some hunters ignore this philosophy and have no interest in any protection of habitats. They, instead, pillage the duck areas and hunt ducks that should not be hunted. Duck hunting remains a controversial sport because of this aspect, unfortunately, and will continue to have a dark side as long as hunters remain blissfully ignorant as to the realities of organizations such as Ducks Unlimited. Without the cooperation of hunters and marshland protectors, duck hunts may be a thing of the past.


Elk Hunting-On Private Ranches

If you want to learn the art of hunting elk, you must make arrangements
for carrying out the procedure of elk hunting on the private ranches. The
two significant places where you will find the availability of these
ranches include the regions of U.S. and Canada.

These ranches are the most preferred places, as they provide a number of
facilities like lodging facilities, good quality food and also, the
expert guides. The most desirable feature of these hunting sites is that
there is surety of getting the elk.

The rooms available for the accommodation of the guests are big and full
of facilities like personal kitchens to cook and also, the hot tubs for
bath. Moreover, you are also provided with meals while on the ranch for

The experience of hunting on these ranches is out of the world. There are
a number of expert guides that assist you in finding the target. There
are usually two hunters accompanied by one professional guide.

The authorities also provide the transportation facility to help you in
the hunting. These transportation facilities include four-wheelers, ATV
and horse rides.

The best part of hunting on these ranches is that it has a wide variety
of these animals that include antelope, mule deer amongst the top
species. Thus, you have the high probability of finding the elk with ease
for hunting.

The kind of natural terrain of these ranches is the ideal place for
hunting elk. There are some special features like rolling hills, forests
with the web of oak trees along with the large number of pine trees and
aspen trees.

The land that surrounds these ranches is full of wild terrain and thus,
helps the hunter to easily put pressure upon the target animals.

Reasonable Rates Offered
Talking about the fees for hunting elk on these ranches, it is really
wonderful to know that these ranches provide a number of facilities like
lodging and meals at an unbeatable price.

There is no competition in the prices and the services offered by these
ranches. The people who own these ranches have great flair for this
adventurous sport.

The guides employed for helping the hunters also share the spirit of
hunting with the hunters. Moreover, this hunting activity also provides
assistance to the local owners in managing the crowds of animals.

The overall package that includes rooms for staying, three meals, expert
guides and transportation facilities costs around $1500 that is quite

The information about these ranches is available on Internet and travel
magazines. Moreover, a local traveling company may also assist in finding
the privately owned ranches for elk hunting. The ranches are indeed the
great places for great sport.



Basic Firearm Safety For Hunters

Every year, hundreds of hunting accidents occur across America; just ask Vice President Cheyney. Many of these accidents could have been avoided by practicing a few basic gun safety techniques.

Know your weapon

If your weapon came with an owner’s manual, read it from cover to cover. Practice taking apart your weapon and inspecting it thoroughly. If you know what your weapon looks like normally, you will be quick to recognize any abnormalities of the weapon in the field. If you drop your weapon or fall while carrying it, take it apart and inspect it for damage. Make sure that the slide operates smoothly. If you are in doubt about the integrity of your rifle, don’t fire it.

Educate yourself about the ammunition that you choose to use. A .22 caliber bullet fired from a rifle can travel over two and a half miles. This knowledge is necessary to line up a safe shot.

Transporting the weapon

Always keep your weapon unloaded until you are ready to fire. If you are going to hike to a new location, unload before starting out. Store the rifle and ammunition separately and, if possible, keep the storage container locked. Never carry a loaded rifle in your vehicle or on an ATV.

Sighting your prey

When sighting up your intended shot, there are many things to consider before pulling the trigger. Never shoot at a partially obscured target. Identify your prey fully before even raising your weapon to take a shot. If you are in doubt about what is moving, control your excitement and wait until the target can be fully visualized. Never hunt after dusk or before daybreak.

Know what is in front of and behind your target before shooting. Do not shoot animals that appear on hilltops and near the tops of ridges as you cannot identify what may be behind your target. If your game is near water, rocks, or buildings, keep in mind that bullets can ricochet off hard surfaces. Do not use the gun’s scope to sight your game. Use your binoculars first, and then if the shot is clear, switch to the scope.

Treat your weapon as if it is loaded at all times

Never look down the barrel of a weapon for any reason. Keep your muzzle pointed away from yourself and others at all times. Learn and use various safe carrying positions for transporting your rifle in the field.

Keep a clear head

Never go hunting or handle a weapon if you have had any alcohol or medication that may impair your judgment. Even a sleeping pill the night before can affect your reflexes during the day.
Get plenty of rest the night before your trip and go home early if you find yourself becoming drowsy.

Sighting a big buck or a fat bird can be exciting. It’s important to keep a level head at all times and not let your emotions cloud your judgment. Don’t allow yourself to act without thinking through the action to determine if it’s safe first.

Wear your safety gear

Bring along hearing and eye protection and wear them before shooting. Include safety orange in your choice of head gear and upper body clothing. This helps other hunters in the area distinguish you from the prey.



In one way or another, we have all had contact with the work or read about the life of the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway. We certainly don’t associate Hemingway with hunting expeditions or wilderness. Those who know a bit about the man have read of swashbuckling tales of drinking, bull fighting and hard living. We knew him as an avid sportsman who even penned one of his great books, The Sun Also Rises, around the annual running of the bulls in Spain. However, what the average person might not know is that Hemingway travelled to Africa to hunt twice in his lifetime and wrote several short stories and novels about the experience. Hemingway is even credited with bring the Swahili word “safari” to the English language. Although he was not considered one of the greatest hunters, his love of the experience propelled him to an understanding of the Kenyan people, a feat that was unheard of for his time.

His first visit to the continent was in 1933 with his second wife, Pauline. Together they visited both Kenya and Tanzania. During this time, and even before he went on his first African hunt, Hemingway became sick with dysentery. For several weeks, he was laid up in a hospital in Nairobi, where he met other adventure-seeking men from America and Europe. After mending and continuing with the safari, Hemingway returned home to write The Green Hills of Africa. The book’s poor sales depressed him, but the two shorter works he penned on the trip, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber and The Snows of Kilimanjaro, are considered classics about African hunters.

In 1954, the great writer set out on another African safari with his fourth wife, Mary. By this time, Hemingway was drinking far too much, but his love of the safari called him to travel once again. It was a dangerous time, as Kenya’s Mau Mau was rebelling against British colonists. Still, it was not the violent rebellion that almost cost the Hemingways their lives. The Hemingways were involved in two serious plane crashes that almost killed them and the injuries Hemingway suffered plagued him for the rest of his life. He wrote about this second safari and his relationship with a young African girl in True at First Light, a book that is written as fiction but generally considered autobiographical.

Many modern companies have sought to emulate the Hemingway safaris. Various packages are available for African and especially Kenyan tours, mostly for the enjoyment of taking pictures or observing the wildlife. Many of these modern tours involve high quality lodges rather than the camping experience of Pappa’s day. While expensive, many of these modern safaris boast fine lodges and private guides to take tourists through the Dark Continent. Most of these new wildlife safaris have private itineraries that can be changed at a moment’s notice and private trial cars and guides. While they’re still connected to the beauty of the African landscape, they offer controlled environments that often tours through preserves and national parks. Some of the more famous of these tours bring back memories of Hemingway’s more famous works, but most are not cheap. One company offers a 14-day experience called the Kilimanjaro tour that costs over three thousand dollars. Others offer excursions to places like Uganda to view gorillas.


Elk Hunting-In Colorado

Colorado is the place that holds the record of providing natural habitat
to the highest number of elk population.

This large population of elk makes Colorado as one of the most admired
places for elk hunting. The place has been successful in attracting a
number of hunters every year to enjoy the adventurous sport.

The nature has provided Colorado with beautiful scenes that have led to
the existence of a number of hunting grounds. These hunting sites are
either publicly open for all, or are privately owned by the rich
residents of the region. However, these private owners also provide the
facilities for the hunters to experience the elk hunting in a better way.

The natural terrain is of different nature at different places. If there
are green fields at some places, you may find forest areas at other
locations. Yet, you can also find huge mountains in some areas.

Whatever may be the terrain, there is high probability of finding the
elf, especially the female elk, which is hunted for the motive of food.

The hunters are provided with many services and thus, they have to carry
very little stuff of their own that includes bedroll, clothes and food
material. You can avail the services of experienced guides, who are there
to assist you in hunting.

These guides also provide the accommodation to the hunters. It is
recommended to book these services in advance to avoid rush. You may also
be provided with information before hand about the things to be carried
along with you.

Support For The Economical Development
This is just not an adventurous sport, but it also supports the economy
of Colorado. Thus, the government has taken steps to conserve the species
of elk in the region.

These efforts have shown some significant results, as there is an
increase in the number of elks having good health.

The Colorado elk hunting has much more to offer to the hunters from
various countries. It is not only a wonderful trip, but it also provides
the chance to catch the wonderful landscapes of the region. And above
all, you have the chance to hunt the animals from one of the most admired

The services offered are very easy on your pocket, as are offered at very
little rate. Moreover, you may reduce the price of the overall package by
avoiding the services of an experiences guide, however, it is advised to
take the services of a guide.

There is provision of one guide for every two hunting groups. The guides
are recommended for the hunters, who are the first time visitors to these
beautiful hunting grounds. The other prices included are that of the
license for hunting and also, other basic requirements.



The Nature-Friendly Hunter

The nature-friendly hunter’s motto is: Leave the woods the same as when you came. Well, minus an animal or two of course. If you are going to be camping overnight, try to disturb as little of the environment as possible. Don’t clear brush unnecessarily. Try to envision your trip as an overnight stay at someone’s home. You are a guest in the habitat of many animals and some you aren’t even aware of.

Always bury your campfire to ensure that it will not reignite and cause a full-blown blaze in the wilderness. Check your fire several times before leaving the area. Forest fires can be devastating to natural areas for years afterwards. If left to spread out of control, a forest fire not only endangers the lives of animals but the lives of citizens and firefighters as well.

Bodily functions are an unavoidable part of life. When relieving yourself, bury your fluids and excrement with dirt to prevent disturbing territorial boundaries of animals.

If you pack it in, pack it out. Do not leave trash lying on the ground. Return your campsite as close to its original condition as possible before leaving. Double check your gear before hiking out so that you don’t unintentionally leave anything behind. Pack your food in airtight containers to avoid attracting any hungry neighbors.

If you are installing a tree stand, choose a mature, healthy tree. Smaller trees may be permanently damaged by the combined weight of your gear and your body. Consider tying back stray branches instead of cutting them. Choosing a mature tree will provide you with more choices in large branches to fasten your safety cord to as well.

A few safety tips

Be aware of your surroundings. Watch for bad weather and leave tree stands at the first signs of high winds to avoid injuring yourself and the tree. Keep your eyes and ears open for flash floods. Dress appropriately for the predicted weather in your area. Dressing in layers is helpful. Don’t forget your safety orange clothing to alert other hunters in our area of your presence.

Be on the lookout for stow-aways in your bedding or gear like snakes, scorpions, or spiders. Shake out all bedding and clothing, including your boots, before putting them on or packing them away for the day. You wouldn’t want to pack an unwanted visitor and bring him home with you.

Bears, badgers, or other aggressive animals may be encountered when hunting. Keep your eyes open and attempt to avoid any confrontations with any animal that you are not stalking. Keep in mind that this is the animal’s home and you are the guest. Try to back quietly away from an animal without disturbing it. If an animal attacks you, cover your head with your arms and roll into a tight ball to protect your head and torso from injury.

Teach your children to respect nature and the environment when hunting together. The best way to teach is by modeling respectful behavior while showing your children the basics of successful hunting. This ensures that the joys of hunting can continue for generations to come.


Elk Hunting-Heed The Call

Elk are very big in size and this is the reason why elk hunting is
considering very special kind of hunting by hunters.

These large sized animals have different type of life style and the
mating customs of these animals are also different. These animals can be
deliberately violent or coward.

The hunters who participate in elk hunting activity regularly get very
less chances to come near this royal creature. They can tell very less
stories regarding their experience with these large creatures. The weight
of a male elk can easily reach to eight hundred pounds. The elk are very
shrewd and it is really a complex task to kill elk. The hunting of elk
requires a great skill on part of hunter.

The success of elk hunting practice depends on many elements. Time is the
major element for hunting elk. An experienced elk hunter can easily
understand that how much time is required for elk hunting.

They can also tell about effect of temperature on elk hunting. Those
who wish to hunt an elk for first time require hiring the services of a
guide. Elk can be found in many areas. A guide can help in making a
successful attempt of elk hunting by offering value able tips to the
hunter. Thus can guide can be very helpful for you for elk hunting.

Bugling or announcing is the second important element for elk hunting.
This is the activity, which is performed by the male elk for challenging
other males and for attracting females during the mating season. Hunter
also does this practice but it can be dangerous if it is used

The effective use of this type of practice is possible only if hunters
have vast experience to have information about the places for use of this
method. In this way an experienced hunter can use this technique more

You can find many manuals and books in the market, which can give
information regarding use of bugling while hunting.

You can also find calls, which can imitate female elk or cows. Some
hunters make use of these devices to attract a bull closer during
hunting. After sending the bull at a beneficial place one can make a move
for final attempt. You can make a successful shot after attracting the

The excessive use of bugling can prevent the male elk from coming near to
advantageous area during hunting. The good quality of instrument ensures
the good quality of results. Elk have inherent quality to foresee dangers.

You can hunt an Elk only by creating a natural environment. Thus it is
necessary to make the elk hunting practice more and more realistic.