Tag Archives | Deer

Dееr disease fоund іn Iоwа

Dееr disease fоund іn Iоwа

Thе Dераrtmеnt of Nаturаl Rеѕоurсеѕ hаѕ confirmed thе fіrѕt case оf thе always fаtаl chronic wаѕtіng dіѕеаѕе (CWD) іn a wild Iоwа deer.

Thе dееr was hаrvеѕtеd іn Allаmаkее Cоuntу durіng thе fіrѕt ѕhоtgun ѕеаѕоn in early December, the DNR ѕаіd.

The hіghlу соntаgіоuѕ neurological dіѕоrdеr hаѕ been confirmed іn 13 captive Iоwа dееr іn three dіffеrеnt facilities ѕіnсе Julу 2012, whеn thе first саѕе wаѕ rесоrdеd аt a pay-to-shoot рrеѕеrvе іn Dаvіѕ Cоuntу.

DNR ѕроkеѕmаn Kevin Baskins ѕаіd thе agency іѕ gаthеrіng іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut thе іnfесtеd dееr tо іmрlеmеnt аn еffесtіvе rеѕроnѕе.

“Wе will trу tо аvоіd еxtrеmе measures, but we’re not rulіng оut special huntѕ if іt іѕ dеtеrmіnеd the ѕіzе of thе herd nееdѕ to be reduced іn thаt area,” Baskins said.

Thе dіѕеаѕе аlrеаdу hаd bееn dеtесtеd іn every ѕtаtе bordering Iоwа.

That bеіng thе саѕе, “wе hаvе undеrѕtооd thе possibility оf a роѕіtіvе dеtесtіоn іn thе wild dееr herd fоr some time,” DNR Dіrесtоr Chuck Gipp said.

Bаѕkіnѕ ѕаіd it’s nоt surprising thаt the fіrѕt wіld deer соnfіrmаtіоn оссurrеd іn Allаmаkее County, which іѕ сlоѕе to confirmed іnfесtіоnѕ іn ѕоuthеаѕt Mіnnеѕоtа аnd ѕоuthwеѕt Wіѕсоnѕіn.

“Wе hаvе bееn testing fоr CWD іn Iоwа’ѕ dееr herd fоr more thаn a dесаdе аnd аrе optimistic, gіvеn thе еxtеnѕіvе dаtа wе have collected, that wе hаvе саught this early,” Gірр ѕаіd.

Since 2002, the DNR hаѕ соllесtеd mоrе thаn 45,000 samples ѕtаtеwіdе аnd 650 samples of dееr frоm wіthіn a fіvе-mіlе rаdіuѕ оf whеrе the dееr is bеlіеvеd to hаvе bееn hаrvеѕtеd.

Baskins ѕаіd the DNR іѕ awaiting rеѕultѕ оn аbоut two-thirds of the аррrоxіmаtеlу 5,000 ѕаmрlеѕ соllесtеd durіng thе раѕt dееr ѕеаѕоnѕ.

CWD, which аffесtѕ primarily dееr and еlk, іѕ саuѕеd by аn аbnоrmаl protein that attacks thе brаіnѕ of infected animals, саuѕіng thеm tо lоѕе wеіght, dіѕрlау abnormal bеhаvіоr аnd lоѕе bоdіlу funсtіоnѕ.

Sіgnѕ include excessive salivation, thirst аnd urіnаtіоn, lоѕѕ of арреtіtе, progressive wеіght lоѕѕ, lіѕtlеѕѕnеѕѕ and drooping еаrѕ аnd hеаd.

Thе only reliable test rеԛuіrеѕ samples frоm lуmрh nоdеѕ or brаіn material, whісh саn bе extracted оnlу from a dеаd аnіmаl.

While there іѕ nо еvіdеnсе thаt humаnѕ саn contract CWD bу еаtіng vеnіѕоn, thе Nаtіоnаl Inѕtіtutеѕ of Hеаlth аnd the Cеntеrѕ for Disease Cоntrоl аnd Prеvеntіоn rесоmmеnd thаt thе brаіn, еуеbаllѕ or ѕріnаl соrd оf dееr not bе eaten.

Hunters аrе аlѕо advised to wear glоvеѕ while field drеѕѕіng gаmе and bоnіng out meat for consumption.


Deer bow hunting plan drawing fire from opponents

ELIZABETH, Colo. – The Town of Elizabeth is considering allowing crossbow hunting of deer, but the plan is drawing fire from opponents..

Norma Emerson is a big fan of the deer that roam her yard almost every day. One even gave birth in her backyard last year.

“We love living here because of the wildlife out here,” she said.

Emerson is not a fan of the town’s proposal to thin the herd by allowing a limited bow hunt within town limits.

“I believe it is a very bad plan,” she said.

But town administrators say complaints are on the rise and the deer population is out of control. The animals are causing more crashes, damaging more yards and attracting predatory animals like mountain lions.

If the bow hunt plan moves forward, Town Manager Dick Eason says it will be selective.

“Highly qualified and skilled bow hunters in a very well defined geographic area,” he explained.

“We can work very closely with the town and vet how many, what kind of hunters are in there, what their experience is,” said Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill.

Other options under consideration are sterilization and relocating the herd. If the hunting option is selected, it would likely occur during hunting season.

The town says it will likely be May before a final decision is reached.


Derrin Ebert Archery Deer Shot

Derrin Ebert Archery Deer Shot, Big Animal Down, Derrin and Craig put a mile and a half stalk on a bedded buck while Craig films. We get into about 50yds and the buck stands up! I was down the hill about 10yds behind Derrin when he takes the shot and hits the branch, look close and you can see the branch disappear! The arrow went down into the dirt at his feet.BAD Hunting.


Sammy Anspach Mule Deer Hunt Arizona

Sammy Anspach Mule Deer Hunt Arizona is Sammy’s first mule deer! Terry Walker, BAD Hunting spotted this deer under a tree at about a mile away and 1000′ up. After an hour hike and two shots later Sammy had his first mule deer! Sammy was with Craig Ramsey, Shelly Ramsey, and Terry Walker on this hunt, Big Animal Down


My Deer Hunting

Have you ever consider hunting as a sport? Hunting is much of a sport which
requires a great deal of stamina, mental strength and effort and most of all
hard work. In fact one of the most famous hunting sport is deer hunting. Deer
hunting is widely practiced in the United States before the coming of the
English where the red Indians hunt deer as a source of food and clothing.
Meanwhile in the United Kingdom, this sport is more for the royalty and nobles
and after all they are the ones who brought this sport to the United States.

Deer hunting can be dated back until the early ages many centuries ago when the
human civilization is just about to begin, where it usually played a part as a
ritual of growth for manhood. To begin with, deer hunting is really more than
meets the eye where it required the knowledge and skill to participate in a
hunt, knowledge is indeed power.

Deer hunting might sound primitive and barbaric even to the most educated man
but it is not just about killing. A hunter must know the ways and the methods
of finding and killing a single deer. And usually a single kill requires more
than a day and usually nearly a week. Deer hunting now does not only become a
sport but it has also become a hobby for many people.

People now collect antlers and use it as a display and trophy because every
antlers obtained from a fallen deer is not the same, yes they are unique. As a
matter of fact, there is a zero chance that you will get a same pair of antlers
in the world. And a large collection of antlers signify the number of deer that
the hunter has killed. Other than that, some hunters also sell their display to
earn a side income where some people treat these antlers as a decoration.

There are many kinds of weapon used for hunting, the bow, the gun and the
crossbow too. Recently in the United States, weapons such as lances and spears
are allowed to be use. For each weapon they have their own season for using,
for example the bow season, the muzzleloader season and the gun season. And of
course proper attire is needed too for you to blend around into surroundings.

Armed with a weapon you will then need a plan to get your kill. You can be a
stalker, a sniper, a scout or a trapper. Each with their own specific methods
of getting a deer and for most beginners it is best to start with an ambush
tactic. Planting a decoy and wait quietly and patiently in the bushes with the
perfect dressing and sit and wait and take a good aim for the incoming prey.

Tracking is one of the most important skill to all the hunters, with this
knowledge you will be able to track down and plan in getting your target. With
this skill, you will definitely save a lot of time then blindly wander around
the forest to look for a deer. Actually it is a must for every hunter to even
begin with in this sport.

Deer Hunting Clubs and websites are now being established and are mushrooming
all over the place for deer hunters. Hunters now can gather and share their
experience among themselves. Some hunters even have their own blog online
consisting of pictures and experience of their encounter. Even books and guides
in deer hunting are being published. Deer hunting-fun or violent? It is up to
you for you to evaluate it and there is only one way for you to discover it
other than peering into the books.


Hunting Deer in todays World

Deer hunting can be dated back to the early 7000 B.C, deers are hunted for
their meat and fur but how did it turn up as a sport? Yes, it is a sport for
the royalty and nobles and for some royalty and nobles they bring their sons
along so they can hunt or kill a deer to prove themselves as a man worthy of
the family. Back then an expedition for a deer hunt consist of a group of men
consisting of ten or so but today, two or three man are already enough for the
hunt. Does this means that deer hunting is easier than before? The answer is
definitely a no, deer hunting requires much skill and patience, without the
proper equipment hunting a deer is utterly impossible.

Specific guns are sold just for this sport such as the famous hunting rifle
armed with a scope, the magnum and the shotgun. But all that matters is the
first shot you take because it determined everything. If you missed the first
shot,the next few shots that you are going to fire is going to end up in trees and
causing holes in leaves but not on the deer. A deer is a very agile creature
and an alert one, the shot from the gun itself might even scare off all the
deer within the area too. Apart from the guns you will need a basic survival
kit and a proper outdoor suit to withstand nature and for camouflage. License
and passes are also required to participate in the hunt.

Aside for the equipments required for the hunt, there are certain methods that
every hunter must keep in mind to get a kill. The famous few of these methods
consist of stalking, scouting, stand hunting, still hunting and deer driving
where the hunters make use dogs to hunt them down and draw them out from their
habitat and the hunter will plant himself in a spot and wait for the deer to
pass by them.

There is more method to be learn of course, some of the most experienced and
seasoned hunters might have a few tricks up their sleeves to get the perfect
kill. If you want to learn more, it’s best you seek the answers from these veterans themselves. Plenty of websites
and books can be found anywhere, online or in stores regarding deer hunting.
Websites nowadays provided excellent information and hunters share their
trophies and experiences through them.

Deer hunting are often practiced in the United States, United Kingdom and
Norway and Ireland. Recently it has become quite a popular sport in Canada
where reindeer are hunted, and yes reindeer are those deers that appear as
Santa’s steed for his chariot. Moreover there are even specific areas for hunters to
go for their hunt, and some entrepreneurs are even establishing hunting grounds
for this bloodthirsty sport.

In Asian`s countries there is rarely a word about this sport. Illegal
possession of weapons such as gun in Asia might be the red light for this sport
in Asia. And in some Asian countries deer hunting is not a sport but an
occupation. Deer are hunted and their antlers are used as remedies, the meat
and internal organs are sold to be serve in a meal. The furs of the deer make
good blankets and clothing too.

So how do you become a good hunter? As we known experience is always the best
teacher, there is no such thing as a good hunter because even a very good one
might not get what they are looking for when they go for a hunt. Although we
can find some information and maybe learn a trick or two from the book but the
rest still rely on raw experiences, practice makes perfect.

Deer hunting is not just a sport but it is also a tradition where it has a
place in many culture, some cultures take view it as a test for manhood and
some as an initiating event for a festival. This might be a bloody sport but
then there are also rules that protect the deers from being over-hunted and the
deers population are constantly at check.


Deer Hunting

Hunting is one of the oldest professions in the world, as time goes by hunting
soon become obsolete when Man starts to develop farming and breeding farmland
animals. Hunting is not a necessity anymore but the big question is how does it
end up as a sport? One of the few famous hunting sports is deer hunting. These
harmless creatures are chosen among the others potential animals due to the
trophy it has, the antlers. Aside of that, the meat and furs are usually in
good demand too.

But recently this sport is getting a negative feedback from the people, due to
the increasing number of people involve in the sport and the violence. Animal
activist once held a riot in the northern part of America to put a ban on deer
hunting but it did not succeed. To prevent the problem from getting worst the
government has taken a few safety measures

The government of the United States held numerous of competition, they gather
hunters from all the states and make them focus on a specific deer to hunt.
Whoever managed to gun it down first wins the first prize follow by the second
and third. In the competition, the participants are not allow to use bullets
but tranquilizing darts and arrows so they will caused any death. By doing so,
the government can control the declining population of the deer.

Despite all that, hunters still prefer to go hunting in the wilds. For them the
real pleasure to hunt is in the wilds. The wilds act as a proving ground for
these hunters. Those frequently hunted deers are usually the American
White-tailed deer which are 6 feet long and grow to a height around 3 to 4
feet. In the United Kingdom, the reindeer are the main target for the hunt.

Most hunters are still hunting in the wild because of the thrill of the chase.
Some people view these hunters as bloodthirsty and barbaric people but in fact
hunting a deer requires a lot of training, skill and hard-earned lessons
throughout the hunts. Like the wise man says, don’t judge a book by its cover. Fact is these hunters are more probably more in
control than most people, imagine sitting down there in a same spot still for
half a day. Can most normal people do that? I don’t think it is possible without the proper mental strength and stamina.

Hunting down a deer is also not an easy feat. In fact these deers which are
also known as a buck possess considerable intelligence and they learn from
experience too like us. The older the buck or deer the wiser it gets, a deer
can live up to 11 or 12 years. Their age can be judged from the size of their
antlers of hoof. What proof do we have to state that these animals have

Throughout the years, hunting these deers are usually made with traps but until
recently they have managed to avoid them successful. Therefore the hunters have
to devise a new plan, by using a decoy such as a deer decoy, or a duck or any
animal shaped decoy but most preferably a deer decoy. The hunter will spray
some urine of a male deer onto the deer to attract other deer to the spot.

The sport keeps getting better and better each day, that`s the reason why more
and more people are getting interested in this sport. Now there are not only
male hunters but there is also female hunters playing the game. Although the
hunt provided a great deal of fun but everything must has it limits too and
hopefully they will know it when the days of deer is coming to an end.


Deer Hunting Today

Deer Hunting
Humans have begun hunting since the dawn of man-kind when they discovered how
to make tools and weapons. With weapons they can use to defend themselves and
most of all, an essential tool for food which is animal hunting. But why deer
hunting still remains as a sport today? And surprisingly it is a very happening
and intriguing sport which still attracts more and more people into it
nowadays. In fact, they are even some people who own their very own land and
turned it into hunting grounds for deer hunters. Deer hunting is fairly common
in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Norway and in Ireland
when lush green forests can still be found.

Why deer hunting is still so famous today? No one really can give an answer to
that maybe is because of the degree of danger of the animal itself or maybe the
satisfaction we get from it or maybe the meat of the deer tastes so good when
put over a sizzling hot fire after a long day of hunt tastes like the best meat
in the world?

This sport is so famous that ESPN made it one of the listed sport for them. In
this modern era, stimulation of deer hunting can be found in games version.
Some of the creators of the games even hired a hunter to help them out in
making the perfect stimulation for deer hunting. Playing the game might be a
good start for beginners, who are lack of experience and skill to begin the
sport. The game might at least help a little, a little is always better than

Deer hunting is indeed a bone breaking and adventurous sport because you have
to work your way through to get a deer. And the satisfaction from hunting down
a deer can be quite rewarding because of the hardmanship it brought. Deer
hunting might sound easy but actually it required a great deal of effort and
experienced. Aside from that, it might be dangerous too because you might
encounter some wild animals and poisonous snakes during the hunt.

Even the most seasoned veterans might not get their target on the spot when
they go for a hunting trip. Some will require a few day just to a get a deer
maybe a week to hunt down one. Deer hunting also required precise timing and
discipline, usually the deer roam or appear from their haven just to feed and
other than that they are quite difficult to spot. A deer usually have their fix
feeding time and they appeared maybe an hour before sun rise and an hour before
sun set to come out and feed on green vegetations.

Other than that few moments in the day, one can hardly catch a glimpse of a
deer. A deer by nature is a very timid and alert creature, when the wind blows
and shakes the tree the deer itself might get agitated and nervous and gallop
away in any second. A deer is a very sound sensitive creature, even the
slightest breaking sound from a tiny twig it already enough to cause some
commotion to the deer.

Most of the deer in the world inhabit vast range of terrains which range from
mountains to lowlands. In the states, the most popular deer are the whitetails
and in the United Kingdom they are the roe deer and the red deer. Elks and
moose are often mistaken as fellow deer due to their appearance but in size
they are much larger compare to their cousins.

If you are interested in joining the game, you better be ready to make some
commitment and investment because deer hunting really does not look as simple
as it seem. It is not just about buying a gun from the store and drive all the
way to the forest and shoot on sight. To join the hunt, one must obtain a
license and also get the proper equipment and wear (depending on the climate).
Some of the hunters go for their hunt in the winter and some during spring or
summer. Do not be mistaken that deers are passive creatures, even at most
desperate times they can retaliate and if you are not careful you might earn a
hole in your body by their antlers and a broken bone from their hoofs.
Basically deer hunting is a very interesting sport, the adrenaline rush in your
blood stream is more than enough to keep you on in this game and you think that
is not enough? Try hunting something else bigger and swifter, in addition with
some claws and fangs.


Best Deer Hunting

When the world speaks about sports the first thing that crosses the mind is
football, basketball, soccer, baseball and so on and so forth. Do you know that
deer hunting is a sport? In fact I can say it is one of the most challenging
sport which required patience, endurance and marksmanship. This sport required
plenty of skill and especially the courage to keep trying and trying. At the
end of the day, the rewards you reap will definitely satisfy you.

In this game of hunt, it is all about patience and a little planning and you
might need some luck too. Firstly before you make a hunting trip, you must take
a look at the calendar whether it is a suitable time of year to hunt or not.
During late October or November we can usually find them abundantly because
that time of the year is their mating season.

Apart from that, the deers usually come out most often an hour before sunset
and sunrise too. These deers are amazing and wonderful creatures; they actually
possess a sense with time. Deers are also most active when the moon is full and
is 90 degrees on top of us or below foot.

For hunters, the best time to for a good hunt is the mating season because the
male deer will release a great amount of urine among the trees.The male deer will also rub their head in order to leave some marking consist
of some sweat secreted from their facial glands.

The next step, a hunter must pick the correct and populated hunting grounds.
Hunting grounds can be found throughout the countryside or you can go to
private hunting grounds where you must pay a minimal amount of fee for you to
hunt there. Of course most hunters prefer the natural wilds although these
private hunting grounds are nearly the same as the wilds but it does not give
the same feeling when you are in the wilds.

Once you found the suitable hunting grounds, you must start looking for the
deer`s trail also known as scrapes. A seasoned hunter can tell the exact age
and size, probably the gender of the deer too. Reading books and watching video
does not gives much help for a beginner, to learn the proper method one must
need a mentor.

The last step is the strategy, how and what are you going to do to catch your
prey. Most hunters use traps and lures which usually work, some might use
hunting dogs to sniff out a deer while the hunter station himself at a spot
usually in a bush with his camouflaged suit and waits for the prey to come out.
How you plan your game for hunt varies because it mainly depends on your
experience in this kind of sport.

Meddling yourself in this sport is something like preparing and going for a
war, you need a game plan, a place, the proper timing and also a weapon. Most
of the hunting equipment can be found easily in stores around the countries.
Licenses must be applied for the weapon and also for the hunt. Your arsenal
starts from the smallest gun until the biggest ones including the bow, an
ancient old world weapon but now upgraded and is deadly in the hands of a
skilled marksman. Once you are done with all this, you can begin your adventure
anytime but it is highly recommended that you go along with a fellow senior
hunter for newcomers in this sport.


In The Game Of Hunting

When the world speaks about sports the first thing that crosses the mind is football, basketball, soccer, baseball and so on and so forth. Do you know that deer hunting is a sport? In fact I can say it is one of the most challenging sport which required patience, endurance and marksmanship. This sport required plenty of skill and especially the courage to keep trying and trying. At the end of the day, the rewards you reap will definitely satisfy you.

In this game of hunt, it is all about patience and a little planning and you might need some luck too. Firstly before you make a hunting trip, you must take a look at the calendar whether it is a suitable time of year to hunt or not. During late October or November we can usually find them abundantly because that time of the year is their mating season.

Apart from that, the deers usually come out most often an hour before sunset and sunrise too. These deers are amazing and wonderful creatures; they actually possess a sense with time. Deers are also most active when the moon is full and is 90 degrees on top of us or below foot.

For hunters, the best time to for a good hunt is the mating season because the male deer will release a great amount of urine among the trees. The male deer will also rub their head in order to leave some marking consist of some sweat secreted from their facial glands.

The next step, a hunter must pick the correct and populated hunting grounds. Hunting grounds can be found throughout the countryside or you can go to private hunting grounds where you must pay a minimal amount of fee for you to hunt there. Of course most hunters prefer the natural wilds although these private hunting grounds are nearly the same as the wilds but it does not give the same feeling when you are in the wilds.

Once you found the suitable hunting grounds, you must start looking for the deer`s trail also known as scrapes. A seasoned hunter can tell the exact age and size, probably the gender of the deer too. Reading books and watching video does not gives much help for a beginner, to learn the proper method one must need a mentor.

The last step is the strategy, how and what are you going to do to catch your prey. Most hunters use traps and lures which usually work, some might use hunting dogs to sniff out a deer while the hunter station himself at a spot usually in a bush with his camouflaged suit and waits for the prey to come out. How you plan your game for hunt varies because it mainly depends on your experience in this kind of sport.

Meddling yourself in this sport is something like preparing and going for a war, you need a game plan, a place, the proper timing and also a weapon. Most of the hunting equipment can be found easily in stores around the countries. Licenses must be applied for the weapon and also for the hunt. Your arsenal starts from the smallest gun until the biggest ones including the bow, an ancient old world weapon but now upgraded and is deadly in the hands of a skilled marksman. Once you are done with all this, you can begin your adventure anytime but it is highly recommended that you go along with a fellow senior hunter for newcomers in this sport.


Hunting is one of the oldest professions in the world

Hunting is one of the oldest professions in the world, as time goes by hunting soon become obsolete when Man starts to develop farming and breeding farmland animals. Hunting is not a necessity anymore but the big question is how does it end up as a sport? One of the few famous hunting sports is deer hunting. These harmless creatures are chosen among the others potential animals due to the trophy it has, the antlers. Aside of that, the meat and furs are usually in good demand too.

But recently this sport is getting a negative feedback from the people, due to the increasing number of people involve in the sport and the violence. Animal activist once held a riot in the northern part of America to put a ban on deer hunting but it did not succeed. To prevent the problem from getting worst the government has taken a few safety measures

The government of the United States held numerous of competition, they gather hunters from all the states and make them focus on a specific deer to hunt. Whoever managed to gun it down first wins the first prize follow by the second and third. In the competition, the participants are not allow to use bullets but tranquilizing darts and arrows so they will caused any death. By doing so, the government can control the declining population of the deer.

Despite all that, hunters still prefer to go hunting in the wilds. For them the real pleasure to hunt is in the wilds. The wilds act as a proving ground for these hunters. Those frequently hunted deers are usually the American White-tailed deer which are 6 feet long and grow to a height around 3 to 4 feet. In the United Kingdom, the reindeer are the main target for the hunt.

Most hunters are still hunting in the wild because of the thrill of the chase. Some people view these hunters as bloodthirsty and barbaric people but in fact hunting a deer requires a lot of training, skill and hard-earned lessons throughout the hunts. Like the wise man says, don’t judge a book by its cover. Fact is these hunters are more probably more in control than most people, imagine sitting down there in a same spot still for half a day. Can most normal people do that? I don’t think it is possible without the proper mental strength and stamina.

Hunting down a deer is also not an easy feat. In fact these deers which are also known as a buck possess considerable intelligence and they learn from experience too like us. The older the buck or deer the wiser it gets, a deer can live up to 11 or 12 years. Their age can be judged from the size of their antlers of hoof. What proof do we have to state that these animals have intelligence?

Throughout the years, hunting these deers are usually made with traps but until recently they have managed to avoid them successful. Therefore the hunters have to devise a new plan, by using a decoy such as a deer decoy, or a duck or any animal shaped decoy but most preferably a deer decoy. The hunter will spray some urine of a male deer onto the deer to attract other deer to the spot.

The sport keeps getting better and better each day, that`s the reason why more and more people are getting interested in this sport. Now there are not only male hunters but there is also female hunters playing the game. Although the hunt provided a great deal of fun but everything must has it limits too and hopefully they will know it when the days of deer is coming to an end.


Humans have begun hunting since the dawn of man-kind

Humans have begun hunting since the dawn of man-kind when they discovered how to make tools and weapons. With weapons they can use to defend themselves and most of all, an essential tool for food which is animal hunting. But why deer hunting still remains as a sport today? And surprisingly it is a very happening and intriguing sport which still attracts more and more people into it nowadays. In fact, they are even some people who own their very own land and turned it into hunting grounds for deer hunters. Deer hunting is fairly common in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Norway and in Ireland when lush green forests can still be found.

Why deer hunting is still so famous today? No one really can give an answer to that maybe is because of the degree of danger of the animal itself or maybe the satisfaction we get from it or maybe the meat of the deer tastes so good when put over a sizzling hot fire after a long day of hunt tastes like the best meat in the world?

This sport is so famous that ESPN made it one of the listed sport for them. In this modern era, stimulation of deer hunting can be found in games version. Some of the creators of the games even hired a hunter to help them out in making the perfect stimulation for deer hunting. Playing the game might be a good start for beginners, who are lack of experience and skill to begin the sport. The game might at least help a little, a little is always better than nothing.

Deer hunting is indeed a bone breaking and adventurous sport because you have to work your way through to get a deer. And the satisfaction from hunting down a deer can be quite rewarding because of the hardmanship it brought. Deer hunting might sound easy but actually it required a great deal of effort and experienced. Aside from that, it might be dangerous too because you might encounter some wild animals and poisonous snakes during the hunt.

Even the most seasoned veterans might not get their target on the spot when they go for a hunting trip. Some will require a few day just to a get a deer maybe a week to hunt down one. Deer hunting also required precise timing and discipline, usually the deer roam or appear from their haven just to feed and other than that they are quite difficult to spot. A deer usually have their fix feeding time and they appeared maybe an hour before sun rise and an hour before sun set to come out and feed on green vegetations.

Other than that few moments in the day, one can hardly catch a glimpse of a deer. A deer by nature is a very timid and alert creature, when the wind blows and shakes the tree the deer itself might get agitated and nervous and gallop away in any second. A deer is a very sound sensitive creature, even the slightest breaking sound from a tiny twig it already enough to cause some commotion to the deer.

Most of the deer in the world inhabit vast range of terrains which range from mountains to lowlands. In the states, the most popular deer are the whitetails and in the United Kingdom they are the roe deer and the red deer. Elks and moose are often mistaken as fellow deer due to their appearance but in size they are much larger compare to their cousins.

If you are interested in joining the game, you better be ready to make some commitment and investment because deer hunting really does not look as simple as it seem. It is not just about buying a gun from the store and drive all the way to the forest and shoot on sight. To join the hunt, one must obtain a license and also get the proper equipment and wear (depending on the climate). Some of the hunters go for their hunt in the winter and some during spring or summer. Do not be mistaken that deers are passive creatures, even at most desperate times they can retaliate and if you are not careful you might earn a hole in your body by their antlers and a broken bone from their hoofs. Basically deer hunting is a very interesting sport, the adrenaline rush in your blood stream is more than enough to keep you on in this game and you think that is not enough? Try hunting something else bigger and swifter, in addition with some claws and fangs.


Deer hunting can be dated back to the early 7000 BC

Deer hunting can be dated back to the early 7000 B.C, deers are hunted for their meat and fur but how did it turn up as a sport? Yes, it is a sport for the royalty and nobles and for some royalty and nobles they bring their sons along so they can hunt or kill a deer to prove themselves as a man worthy of the family. Back then an expedition for a deer hunt consist of a group of men consisting of ten or so but today, two or three man are already enough for the hunt. Does this means that deer hunting is easier than before? The answer is definitely a no, deer hunting requires much skill and patience, without the proper equipment hunting a deer is utterly impossible.

Specific guns are sold just for this sport such as the famous hunting rifle armed with a scope, the magnum and the shotgun. But all that matters is the first shot you take because it determined everything. If you missed the first shot, the next few shots that you are going to fire is going to end up in trees and causing holes in leaves but not on the deer. A deer is a very agile creature and an alert one, the shot from the gun itself might even scare off all the deer within the area too. Apart from the guns you will need a basic survival kit and a proper outdoor suit to withstand nature and for camouflage. License and passes are also required to participate in the hunt.

Aside for the equipments required for the hunt, there are certain methods that every hunter must keep in mind to get a kill. The famous few of these methods consist of stalking, scouting, stand hunting, still hunting and deer driving where the hunters make use dogs to hunt them down and draw them out from their habitat and the hunter will plant himself in a spot and wait for the deer to pass by them.

There is more method to be learn of course, some of the most experienced and seasoned hunters might have a few tricks up their sleeves to get the perfect kill. If you want to learn more, it’s best you seek the answers from these veterans themselves. Plenty of websites and books can be found anywhere, online or in stores regarding deer hunting. Websites nowadays provided excellent information and hunters share their trophies and experiences through them.

Deer hunting are often practiced in the United States, United Kingdom and Norway and Ireland. Recently it has become quite a popular sport in Canada where reindeer are hunted, and yes reindeer are those deers that appear as Santa’s steed for his chariot. Moreover there are even specific areas for hunters to go for their hunt, and some entrepreneurs are even establishing hunting grounds for this bloodthirsty sport.

In Asian`s countries there is rarely a word about this sport. Illegal possession of weapons such as gun in Asia might be the red light for this sport in Asia. And in some Asian countries deer hunting is not a sport but an occupation. Deer are hunted and their antlers are used as remedies, the meat and internal organs are sold to be serve in a meal. The furs of the deer make good blankets and clothing too.

So how do you become a good hunter? As we known experience is always the best teacher, there is no such thing as a good hunter because even a very good one might not get what they are looking for when they go for a hunt. Although we can find some information and maybe learn a trick or two from the book but the rest still rely on raw experiences, practice makes perfect.

Deer hunting is not just a sport but it is also a tradition where it has a place in many culture, some cultures take view it as a test for manhood and some as an initiating event for a festival. This might be a bloody sport but then there are also rules that protect the deers from being over-hunted and the deers population are constantly at check.