Deer bow hunting plan drawing fire from opponents

ELIZABETH, Colo. – The Town of Elizabeth is considering allowing crossbow hunting of deer, but the plan is drawing fire from opponents..

Norma Emerson is a big fan of the deer that roam her yard almost every day. One even gave birth in her backyard last year.

“We love living here because of the wildlife out here,” she said.

Emerson is not a fan of the town’s proposal to thin the herd by allowing a limited bow hunt within town limits.

“I believe it is a very bad plan,” she said.

But town administrators say complaints are on the rise and the deer population is out of control. The animals are causing more crashes, damaging more yards and attracting predatory animals like mountain lions.

If the bow hunt plan moves forward, Town Manager Dick Eason says it will be selective.

“Highly qualified and skilled bow hunters in a very well defined geographic area,” he explained.

“We can work very closely with the town and vet how many, what kind of hunters are in there, what their experience is,” said Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill.

Other options under consideration are sterilization and relocating the herd. If the hunting option is selected, it would likely occur during hunting season.

The town says it will likely be May before a final decision is reached.

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